Thursday, December 11, 2008

Which Pack Do You Run With?

I sometimes think I am nuts. I lay awake at night and think about the following:

* how can we better train hockey officials???

* how can we shorten the learning curve, so a 25 year old, all full of piss and vinegar, can referee like a 35 year old or 45 year old, with all the experience, wisdom, rink savvy, and know-how???

* how can an elite level referee BEST transfer his knowledge to an up-and-coming official???

* is our method of instruction currently the best practice of teaching and developing???

I do know this...31 young men stepped forward to say, "I want to prove I take hockey fitness seriously!"

Based on past experience, half of those young men won't do diddly-squat. They don't have the intestinal fortitude, the drive, or the discipline to be the best...

There are only 5% in the top room for anymore.

What percent are you in? Seriously?!? Where do you fall???

(remember, a reputation is built upon what you have done, NOT by what you are going to do)

Do you agree?