Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zebra Open 2011 - 8th Annual

8th Annual Zebra Open –
Referee’s Take a Swing at Cancer
Benefit for the “Zebra Foundation” & NHLOA’s Zebras Care Foundation

Friday August 19th   , 2011
8:00 am (registration starts at 7:00am)
Stonebrooke Golf Club
2693 County Road 79
Shakopee, MN  55379

Who: Hockey referee’s and officials who are interested in having fun and donating money to fight

What:  4 person scramble – Teams of four will compete for prizes and awards. May choose a
              partner/group to register with, or may be assigned to a group.

When:  Friday August 18th  , 2011
            8:00 am

$75.00 Registration Fee, includes 18 holes golf, range balls, motorized cart, plus a barbecue picnic afterwards

Where: Stonebrooke Golf Club, Shakopee, MN

Why:  Because we all know someone who has been affected by cancer.  This tournament started seven years ago, with 6 people who played 18 holes of golf, took all of their betting money from the game, and donated a total of $350 to the American Cancer Society.  In 2005, there were two Zebra Open events: (1)Northern Tournament: 4 participants, who donated a total of $240 to American Cancer Society, and (2) Twin Cities Event: 12 participants, who donated a total of $650 to Jon and Kelley Campion (Jon was a WCHA ref and Kelly had terminal cancer).  In 2006, we held the event for the first time at Little Falls CC, and we had 27 participants, who raised $3100 for Jon and Kelley Campion again.  Year 4 we had the tournament in Little Falls again, drawing 31 people who raised $3000 for the Zebra Foundation.  This will be the fourth year it will be held at Stonebrooke Golf in Shakopee, MN, and last 3 years we raised over $1250, $1760, & $2,700 respectively.

Now for some old videos I produced (please keep in mind viewer, that the dates, times, fees are all different from what is in the video -- pay attention to the text above, please):

And one more Cancer Awareness Video for good measure (Movember was another charitable fundraising venture for Ultimate Officials - over $1200 Raised!)

UO Movember Hockey Game from J.B. Olson on Vimeo.

30 days of Growth for Me
UO Mo Bros in NHL Officials Locker Room with Brian Mach