Wednesday, May 5, 2010

An Open (kind of) Letter to My Brotherhood


Here is the link for the first unit: ( only get that if you are a subscriber).

I will still provide a "hard copy" edition in the mail.  If you notice on the last page, there is some blank space.  The hard copy version will include the "bonus item" for that week.

Why am I insistent on giving you both an electronic version and a hard copy?  Because I want it to be "more real"...

Let me explain:

* Have you ever set goals for yourself?  Did you write those goals down somewhere or did you just keep them in your head?  Did you know that you will be much more likely to succeed in your goals if you WRITE THEM DOWN?  Why?  Because it becomes something concrete.  Anything that just exists in your head is's's's not real.

* Notes are something that you can reference from time to time.  I want you referencing this Mental Tuffness (R) stuff, because I want you to change your game mentally and become one tough sun-of-a-bitch.  Once again, a hard copy is real and it doesn't simply go in one ear and out the other.

* Lastly, no one has ever provided a manual on the mental side of the game.  I studied all of this stuff for one whole season (2007-2008).  I even wrote a thesis on the subject. may find some things on the mental game in different small sections of the manuals that USA Hockey provides...but one entire manual devoted to the subject?  Oy vey!  In an area that may make up the difference between the "good" and the "great"...well...we need an entire manual.


to subscribe to the Mental Tuffness Training (R), click on subscribe:

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