Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fashion Industry, Homosexuality, and Intestinal Fortitude

A few weeks ago, the latest SWAT (Secret Weapons & Tactics) Newsletter went out to all Ultimate Officials members (even those who take advantage of the [special offer]).

This video accompanies the newsletter:

You're Not Trying, You're Whining from J.B. Olson on Vimeo.

This guy was featured in the newsletter, too:
Gareth Thomas

And there was a whole lot of discussion, advice, insider tips, and training for hockey referees.  As an educator, I find examples of inspiration/motivation all over the place.  I share all of these bits of training in the monthly newsletters, articles, and videos with UO members. There was a lot of talk about the first step towards championship referee success.

I encourage you join our group.  It's only $0.99 to join.  You may be wondering, "if this is so damn good, why so cheap?"  Join and find out.  You may be wondering, "if it's so damn good, what's in it for me?"  Here's what's in it for you:

Better Wheels, Better Words, Better Vision, and BIGGER BALLS.  You get BIGGER games.

Go to this link [click here].

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