Wednesday, November 16, 2011

But, Honey, Everyone is Doing It

Brian Burke with the Duster Back in the Day

My wife just commented today that she is upset about the fact that I have my mustache for two more weeks.  Why?  Doesn't she realize that EVERYONE else is doing it?

OK...not everyone else is sporting the 'stache....outside of the hockey world that is.  How and why is it that it is so popular in the NHL?  Because we can see their faces as they play?  Unlike the NFL?  You can see the faces of NBA players - oops, bad example :)

Here is a link to Puck Daddy's Top Ten Moosty's for Movember 2011.  There are two coaches on the list AND I saw Brian Burke sporting a nice duster, too! (Couldn't find a recent pic of him, but I got the retro look above).

Top Ten List from Puck Daddy:

Tim Thomas' Goalie Mask for Movember

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