Monday, February 9, 2009

Game Day Blog -2/09 - Need a Good Laugh?

"Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech."
Martin Fraquhar Tupper

"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"
Mark Twain

"....adding a little humor seasoning to a presentation can add a little zest here and a little zip there. Incorporating humor into a presentation doesn’t mean you take the
topic or audience lightly, on the contrary, it means you know enough about effective communications and your respect to the audience enough to want to give them."
Mike Kerr

Are you a naturally funny guy?? If so, good for you. If not, always keep a bunch of "well-timed" one-liners in your pocket for times during a game where humor can diffuse a situation (WARNING: If this is not natural for you, and you don't practice this, it won't land and you will look like you are not serious about the game).

Last night's action (or inaction in some cases) brought about theses lines:

"The Steve Tatro-Is-That-A-Goal Line"

Situation: Goalie makes a great save on a scramble in front of the net. The defensemen are all congratulating him on what a great save, etc. You come flying in and ask incredulously, "Did that go in?!?!?" When everyone snaps at you, "No, No, it wasn't in!!!," you just smile and say, "Whew, good...we got it right," of course with a smile.

"The Pushing-Shoving after the Whistle In Front of the Net Line"

Situation: Players are bushing, bumping chests, being a bit rowdy. You come flying in and say, "Hey, hey...let's just have a push up contest to see who's toughest." When they look at you like you're on drugs, simply ask, "Well, how about a spelling contest?" Of course, do it with a smile.

I also had two different players who knocked down my partners and caused them to fall, go over and say they were sorry, or they just might get a penalty later on. Of course, with a smile...

Funny in Any Language:

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