Wednesday, February 11, 2009

NHL Video & Game Day Blog- Pele???

Tuesday Night - 2/10/09

I was working a peewee game and we had two pucks enter the net coming directly from skates. The first one was waved off by my partner, because he determined the player made an action to direct the puck into the net (you can not direct a puck into the net under USA Hockey rules). The second one off a skate, was determined a goal by me, because the puck was shot, the rebound came directly out and bounced off of an attacking player's skate. I determined that it was not intentional, and that it was a deflection rather than a direction.
(I also saw Cal Clutterbuck try to kick a goal in on Wednesday night's Wild v. Avalanche game)

The only thing I am going to say about the following video includes:

a. That would be a "NO GOAL" in USA Hockey.
b. I am not one to judge what the NHL determines on goals.
c. Situations like this come up all of the time. There are two ways you can take it...

(1)Call the referees/video replay official/etc. wrong and point out why


(2)Use this situation to be a "teachable moment" for yourself and discuss how you could use this example to your advantage.

A lot of guys choose option (1) = in my opinion, that is a poor choice. The referee community is small. Someone may know those officials on T.V. personally, and if you run your mouth reckless, it may come back to haunt. That is why I said that I am not one to judge what the NHL determines a goal...I have never been there, therefore, I am in no place to judge.


Be smart and choose option (2). Look at the play, determine in your mind how you would call that in a game you would work, pass no judgment on what you see on TV, but instead have a healthy dialog about it. Use these moments to make yourself better RATHER THAN TEAR SOMEONE ELSE DOWN... "Be above the Fray.."

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