Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ref 2.0 is Here!!!

I am happy to announce that the Ultimate Officials Ref 2.0 program is now running! I am happy for those who chose to participate (don't get me wrong...it's not that I'm not happy), but I am happy because referee instruction is now the way that people want it -- visual, game situations, memorable, and, if I have any say, remarkable.

So many times I have been in a camp or seminar setting and have heard from participants, "I wish we could see MORE VIDEO..." We have had campers dutifully fill out feedback and camp evaluation forms, with most of them saying, "More Video, please".

I even had my assumptions proven this past summer about visual learners!!

At the MHOA Camp in June of 2008, there were 11 participants. 6 of them said they preferred seeing examples, videos, visuals over any other medium. 5 of them said they preferred "learning by doing" over any other medium. NOBODY SAID THEY PREFERRED LECTURE! (Reading can be the same as lecture...very, very low retention rates).

At the Minnkota Camp in August of 2008, there were 18 participants. 10 of them said they preferred seeing examples, videos, visuals over any other medium. 7 of them said they preferred "learning by doing" over any other medium. (1) SAID THEY PREFERRED LECTURE!

Well...we are trying to teach something, aren't we?!?!?....These people do want to RETAIN the information, don't they?!?!?...Why not use video? If you want to learn the best, then you need to use video...if you don't use it, and instead use lecture (dry/boring), then they won't learn the best. Just use video!!

We did, and now you can learn...for more information, contact me:



JB Olson

p.s. Those who wait, hem and haw, procrastinate...they aren't the 5%-ers. I am looking for 5%-ers. Contact me at info@ultimateofficials.com and you will get a whole series of videos to take you to the next level.

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