Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Admitting Your Weaknesses Can Be a Start...

This Ultimate Officials thing...definitely a work in progress.

The past 7 days has been quite a little trip for's a real quick synopsis:
  • met with a really great group of guys at my house, felt a sense of commaraderie developing (COOL)
  • established a new hockey business contact that will really help referees become better skaters (COOL)
  • got some positive feedback from guys I was golfing with in Bemidji about this whole 'Ultimate Officials' thing (REAL COOL)
  • talked with some one who has all the desire, skating ability, and potential in the world of hockey refereeing, yet can't get to the next level because of mental, social, and political barriers (NOT COOL)
  • learned from a member of my Ultimate Officials board of directors that I was unintentionally sending mixed messages (Tough to take at First, then COOL).
  • got a book from a former business advisor and saw she was writing about me (NOT COOL...NOW definitely COOL!)
And that was just this past week.

Here's an excerpt from Abby Hagyard's book, "Market Centrics":

Adversarial Aggression

To the man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To the individual driven to be number one, everything looks like a contest. In the competitor’s mind, a winner can only win if everyone else loses. To take the definition one step further, the winner’s group can only be the best if certain numbers of its members are rejected by standards its leader defines and rules that he enforces. Membership becomes prized and comes at a price.

Yep, that is exactly how I have led my athletic life. And... not more...not my coach life. I coach referees. Competition is good, but can be destructive. Let's get to the good:

It's about you...what can I do for you?

Let me know. Specifically. If not now, when? Anyone who reads this blog will see some new and improved changes for you. And, you will also get personal consideration for you, too!

It's time for me to put away the hammer. You're not a nail.:)

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