Friday, September 18, 2009

Phaneuf v. Okposo - Local Boy on the Lines

So many things to see with the NHL season under way.  [Dion Phaneuf], who I love as a warrior, a gritty, hardnosed player, just ROCKS Okposo, our local boy from Minny.

Why does the NHL feel the referees need to look like NFL refs with these new sweaters (not a fan).

Refs: Kelly Sutherland and Tom Kowal

Lines: Brian Mach (local boy from Minny) and Ryan Galloway (guy who now lives in Minny).

{Here is Bourne's Blog's take on the incident}
{Here is a bit from Russo on the incident
{The NHL doesn't like Morency jumping off bench}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't like those jerseys at all. I like the ones with the mesh under the arm which the rest of us aren't allowed to wear haha. I am glad I never bought one, but they sure looked great. I think the wide stripes are really ugly. Can't the NHL referee association have a word in this?