Tuesday, September 22, 2009

There's a New American Development Model Coming...(it's NOT from USA Hockey)

Heard of the American Development Model (ADM)? It's the new "alphabet soup" out there...big bucks from the NHL to USA Hockey...the idea of getting more US Born players, coaches and refs in the NHL.

La-de-dah...kind of.

"The development of the official, on a local level, with quality feedback, instruction, and career coaching with an emphasis on development, is what will propel officials to bigger and better games."
J.B. Olson, Curriculum Director, Ultimate Officials

Look for new developments in:

1. Skating - the current skating model is good, but can be much better

Referee skating instruction, including what I have been doing the past 10 years plus, needs to change.  Get ready, because it's coming...

2. Real-time Feedback - the evaluation process today is to meet with an official, point out what they did wrong, and give them the feedback AFTER the game is over with no chance to make adjustments.  This is akin to coaching a hockey team, having them run through their shifts and specialty teams throughout the game, and then making adjustments in the locker room, once the game is over.  Real-Time Feedback will be the most advanced development tool that Ultimate Officials will offer referees of all levels.

3. Supervision - As we see it, supervision is more about making things go smooth, so the team wins, versus development.  Here are some quotes from a hockey coach and ex-NHL player, Dean Talafous:

“I haven’t coached in eight years,” said Talafous. “I’ve been in the skill development aspect of the game, and it’s been really refreshing and good for me. When I was a coach, it was win at all costs. I was a total different personality. I’ve been humbled. I look back at my coaching career and I don’t know if I really developed players with their skill base. I know that wasn’t right, and if I can take what I’ve learned in my 50’s now being in the developmental side, I think I’ll be a pretty good coach.”

“I’d rather lose 13-11 than 2-1,” Talafous said. “Trapping and dumping the puck and putting all kinds of conditions on how they play isn’t development. That is very clear to me. We need to let them play with their instincts and allow them to fail and make mistakes for their development.”
That’ been precisely what Talafous has been doing with his business – Total Hockey-Hudson – an internationally acclaimed hockey training center that has branched off into 10 locations across North America. (full article here)

Imagine a program with the emphasis on development versus making the league or level run smooth...get ready, because here it comes.

Register for my Video Series  - "My USA Hockey is Different from Yours":

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