Wednesday, December 14, 2011

HBO's 24/7 Road to the Winter Classic Begins Tonight
Jan 2nd, Philadelphia v New York

Watching HBO's Road to the Winter Classic last year was easily one of the best hockey documentaries I have ever seen.  Ever.  I checked the stuff out on youtube, because I don't subscribe to HBO.  You should check it out on youtube as well, but you gotta do it quick before HBO takes it down.  

Here is the preview to this year's show.  Once again, easily the best produced hockey documentary you could ever watch:

Monday, December 12, 2011

We All Could Learn A Lot From Mr. Burke
Brian Burke - Toronto Maple Leafs GM
Class of Edina, MN HS 1973
You got twenty two minutes of your time to spare to listen to a very open, 
very candid interview with Brian Burke?  
Watch the video in the link for blog

Topics covered include: 

  • wanting to punch players in the head when they complain about ice time
  • picking a barn yard fight with Kevin Lowe
  • his take on gay rights and homophobic slurs

The section where he talks about using homophobic slurs reminds me of a section from one of the newsletters I provide on a frequent basis for all Ultimate Officials subscribing members, where I talked about Gareth Thomas, the only openly male gay professional team sport athlete.  Here is part of what I wrote:

Gareth Thomas, Pro Rugby Player
On a side note to this story: You really should go read that SI story that is linked.  I will openly admit that I was a bit of a homophobe.  I would use the term, “faggot” all the time to describe somebody who I thought was weak or feminine.  I also thought that whenever I heard people say, “I was born gay,” would just be a bunch of B.S.  After reading this story, if a guy from Welsh, who plays pro rugby, and is anything BUT feminine...well....I guess you can be born gay.  My tolerance level just went way up.  After all, the Stanley Cup took a ride in a gay pride parade in Chicago this past year, so even Lord Stanley’s trophy has some tolerance.  I guess I will just call soft and weak people “pussies” from now on.  No offense to women, of course (hell, my wife played college rugby...the woman was a hooker!).

Also reminds me a lot from a blog post that I made after the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, following the Gold Medal Game in which Canada beat the United States in OT:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Video is the Best Learning Tool
I Just Took This Pic in my "Situation Room"

Video can serve a hockey official (it's not just for players & coaches) so well; watching yourself, analyzing skating, critiquing penalty calls, using it as a teaching, it is the most powerful and effective medium Ultimate Officials uses.

Here is a testimonial I just received from a subscribing trainee in the Ultimate Officials Online Camp:

 I KNOW for a fact if it weren't for the influence of you and the UO guys (even though I'm not the most "participatory"), there is no way this would have happened.  (in reference to being selected as a junior official) M.M.

My wish is that I could have all the goodies that the NHL has in their "Situation Room".  Check out the following video:

I saw the expanding use of the internet and visioned a "virtual classroom" to help teach and develop on ice officials.  I am working with video on almost a daily basis, editing videos that I have shot myself while supervising games, watching those in junior hockey on FAST hockey online broadcasts to write up game notes, even using NHL videos and examples.  So that picture of me up above is "what I do" for guys in the UO programs.  I was recently interviewed by "Let's Play Hockey" and I talk about this in the article:

All online members of Ultimate Officials are emailed video situations on a weekly basis, have access to video tutorials, and some even receive DVD's of their game footage.  Below is an example of a video from

Monday, December 5, 2011

What Happened in November for UO
It Wasn't Just All Movember in November!

Highlights From In and Around the Hockey World for Ultimate Officials in November 2011

* Jake Brenk is working out in the ECHL, making him the MN official working the highest level of hockey, besides Brian Mach, who is an NHL linesman (and, yes, I do put the ECHL above the WCHA).

* Cameron Voss, Kevin Cassidy continue to plug away as full time officials in the North American Hockey League.

* Speaking of NAHL and NAH3L, we had Tim Ferrel, Clayton Smith, Mike Diebold (first Jr game!), Nick DornfeldNick Bradshaw, and Ryan Szymanski in action, too.

* Nick Bradshaw (USHL Games, too) also worked his first conference series in the WCHA - UAA at UMD.

* Shane Paskey worked a big series this past month for Women's WCHA - UMD at U of MN

* Nick Biondich continues to work games in the Women's WCHA.

* Mark McGinnis got hired by the Empire/AJHL and ACHA College Hockey.

* Eric Arndt got to work his first Division III Women's game.

* The Division III Season really got rolling for guys like Jamie Halverson, Adam Shadiow, Norm Gaskins, Duncan Ryhorchuk, Shane Paskey (1st ref assignment), and Nick Biondich.

* Joe Millette worked 12 junior games in the MJHL in November.  That's every Fri, Sat, and Sunday!  Must be doing something right, eh?

* Aaron Barlow keeps racking up ref games in the MJHL.

* Mike Diebold, in addition to his first junior game, also has been steady knocking out some Bantam A stripes.

* Clayton Smith got promoted to Bantam A referee, and has been doing a bunch of stripe games.


* Other activity included the start of the Girls and Boys High School Seasons.


Monday, November 28, 2011

2011 UO Movember Page
Bylsma and Crosby sporting the "dusters"

2011 Ultimate Officials Movember Page

To donate to the "Movember" month-long cancer awareness charity drive by Ultimate Officials, please do the following:

1. Pay by Check

write all checks to "Zebra Foundation"

Send all checks to:
Zebra Foundation
3416 Jidana Lane
Minnetonka, MN 55345

* ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE NHL Official's Association's Zebras Care Charity*

2011 Up-to-Date Money Raised  
(2010 Total:$1,195.30 )

Current Ultimate Officials "Mo Bros"  

Jamie Halverson                               Clayton Smith
Mike Diebold                                    Shane Paskey
Steve Miorana                                  Skip Trumble
Greg Swiler                                      Glendon Seal
Clarice Dahlke (wife's Aunt & Mo Sista)
Dana Penkevich                                Mike Trumble
Jason Worden                                  Ross Callahan
Adam Shadiow                                 Pat Britt
Nick Biondich                                   Jason Olson
Robert Beckl                                    Darren Glur   
Phyllis Meyer (mom-in-law & Mo Sista)
Rick Nelson                                     Joe Oberg                       
Brad Albers                                     Brian Thul 
Nick Bradshaw                                 Andy Priley                           

2011 UO Pick Up Hockey Charity Game
It's Going to be a Big Game!

UO will be playing it's 2nd Annual "Movember" Charity Pick Up Hockey Game.

Monday November 28, 2011 - 9:20 pm

Velocity Hockey Center
Eden Prairie, MN

The Mustachioed Group of Hockey Referees Raised $553.00 in One Night!
Players from the 2011 Game:

White Team                                   Black Team
Rick Nelson                                    Clayton Smith
Mike Taylor                                    Jamie Halverson
Glendon Seal                                 Nick Bradshaw
Garret Gaydosh                              Shaney Paskey
Sean MacFarlane                             Brian Thul
Mike Diebold                                  Dana Penkevich
Mike Trumble                                 Andy Priley
Pat Britt                                        Ross Callahan
Joe Oberg                                      Brad Albers 
Darren Glur                                    J.B. Olson

Jason Olson                                   Aaron 


Conn Smythe Winner: Dana Penkevich

Concussions & Head Injuries for Hockey Officials
Pat Dapuzzo, former NHL Linesman, now an NHL Scout

This story is not for the faint of heart.  The video makes me "queasy" every time I watch it.

Here is the article from the NY Times about Pat Dapuzzo and the effects of head injuries he has received in his almost 2,000 games NHL career: NY Times Article

Excerpt from "Recovery Doesn’t Stop After Injuries Heal":

"After working four straight conference finals from 1991 to 1994, Dapuzzo missed the next season to be treated for depression. He returned for the 1995-96 season wearing a helmet for the first time, but he never worked a playoff game again."
 Here is the video of the incident:

Saturday, November 19, 2011

At Net Skills (plus some Knuckles)

Are Those Sweet Ref sweaters with white buckets???

Preached time and time again here at UO is the "At-Net Skills" (see link).  Not only is this a pretty goal, but check out the ref position (and his fancy uni):

Another video for fun (there is just a *few* punches thrown):

Another video, also just for fun, which is a major league deke job (TOAST! BURNT!):

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

But, Honey, Everyone is Doing It

Brian Burke with the Duster Back in the Day

My wife just commented today that she is upset about the fact that I have my mustache for two more weeks.  Why?  Doesn't she realize that EVERYONE else is doing it?

OK...not everyone else is sporting the 'stache....outside of the hockey world that is.  How and why is it that it is so popular in the NHL?  Because we can see their faces as they play?  Unlike the NFL?  You can see the faces of NBA players - oops, bad example :)

Here is a link to Puck Daddy's Top Ten Moosty's for Movember 2011.  There are two coaches on the list AND I saw Brian Burke sporting a nice duster, too! (Couldn't find a recent pic of him, but I got the retro look above).

Top Ten List from Puck Daddy:

Tim Thomas' Goalie Mask for Movember

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Movember UO PU Hockey Game


The Boys from Movember 2010 Game

It's been a long time coming, but we are lacing them up again for some pick up hockey.

Bring your mustache, a small donation for the NHLOA's Zebras Care Charity, and get ready to have some fun!

WHO: Hockey Refs who Want to play some 3 on 3 hockey and have some FUN!!

WHAT: Ultimate Officials Pick Up (UOPU) Hockey Game - $10 a head - Goalies FREE- (or let me know you're bring Beer for afterwards!)

WHEN: Monday November 28, 2011 at 9:20 pm 

WHERE: Velocity Hockey Center
7901 Fuller Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: 952-937-0949
WHY: Because it is always so much.  There is always someone who says, "This was much funner than I thought."

RSVP by emailing me (

Examples of Good Body Checks

The Big Boys are Leading the Way with Player Safety Education

Don't know if you have seen this video segment put out by the NHL and Brendan Shannahan, but these are all good examples of body checks, body contact, angling, and good, clean, hard checks.

Take note in the first examples, that even though the attacking checker did NOT blow up a guy from behind, he was still effective in separating the man from the puck (as opposed to separating the man from consciousness).

Saturday, November 12, 2011

This is Head Contact w/ a Screw Loose

Now, I know that I have been on here before, confessing that I used to be a "head hunter" when I played, and that I actually wanted to hurt guys...I never took actions like this (WOW!):

Monday, November 7, 2011

And then the coach gets into it...

This happened in the Russian KHL (and I worry about teaching my daughter's about having self-control):

Monday, October 31, 2011

And You Thought Halloween Was Scary

My wife is absolutely dreading the fact that "Movember" is coming around again.  She loves the idea of raising money for a great cause (UO donates all money to the NHLOA's Zebras Care Charity), she hates the fact that it involves a 'stache on my face.

It ain't that bad, is it?
Umm...that's me on the left.
Check out the video on Jonas Hiller's goalie mask for Movember:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

7 Days Until Movember

What's Movember?  Movember (the month formerly known as November) is a moustache-growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health.

UO wants you to join the fight.  

The hockey community, from the NHL all the way down to peewee hockey, has always been very supportive of cancer awareness and fundraising.  It's time for the "Zebras" to get in on the fight, too.

An NHL example:

The Zebra Foundation supports the NHL Officials Association - Zebras Care Charity

Josh Harding Cancer Awareness Helmet

The Great One and Staff with Cancer Awareness ties

NHLOA Hustle for a Cure

My mustache from Movember 2010

Tribute: This is to all those who are in the hockey community and beyond, who have been affected by cancer. We donate our faces to you!

 Check out to see this list of all the great people who joined our team.

Last Year We earned nearly $1200 in one month, which goes through my Zebra Foundation charity and on to the NHLOA's Zebras Care. Check out this blog for updates on the fabulous things that the NHLOA will do with the money. Good, heart-warming stuff.

Monthly highlights in 2010 included:
  • the "Movember for Moensie" pick up hockey game

  • the MN Wild "Guinness Book of World Records" Most Mustachioed Men in one Photo
Photo courtesy of Bruce Kluckhohn

  • The "barbs", the "jabs", the sneers at the mustaches we all grew.
Me and the Kids Getting Our "Mo" On

  • The association we have with the NHLOA's Zebras Care Charity
    The UO Mo Bros in the NHL Ref Locker Room

    The fun and enjoyment you can have bonding with a group of guys devoted to making the game of hockey the best it can be...ON and OFF the ice!

Or you can just donate right now (and grow your 'stache in November):

Maybe you could look like these guys:
Bill McCreary

Don Van Massenhoven
Rob Schick

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Linkorama for laughs & giggles

Enjoy the following viewpoint on the changing NHL:

Zebra Open in Let's Play Hockey

The Zebra Open was just featured in the September 29, 2011 issue of "Let's Play Hockey".

To see the article, go to this link:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

NAHL Showcase - Ka-Boom!

The Hockey Universe is in Blaine, MN Sep 14-18

September 14-18, 2011 (excerpt from
"Celebrating its 9th Anniversary this fall, the Combat Hockey/North American Hockey League (NAHL) Showcase Tournament has evolved into one of hockey's most prestigious and well-attended events of the entire season. For scouting purposes, the four-day event, in which all 28 NAHL teams play four regular-season games, is a can't-miss for every NCAA program and NHL team as they get their first look at some of the best and brightest hockey talent North America has to offer.
Located in the northern Minneapolis-St. Paul suburb of Blaine, Minnesota, the Schwan Super Rink is the largest ice arena of its kind in the world. The state-of-the-art facility, a $21 million project totaling over 300,000 square feet, features eight sheets of ice under one roof. With all its varied amenities and services, the Schwan Super Rink is absolutely unique in the world of ice sport facilities.
The North American Prospects Hockey League's (NAPHL) first event of the season, which will run from September 15-18, will again be played in conjunction with the Combat Hockey/NAHL Showcase Tournament. In its third season, the NAPHL is made up of 42 Midget Major (16), Midget Minor (16) and Bantam Major (10) teams from 17 programs that compete at the Tier I AAA level."
Ultimate Officials will have 16 officials, working over 100 different games, ranging from the NAHL Jr. A. Tier II, the NAH3L Jr. A. Tier III, the NAHPL, and the Upper Midwest High School League.

Officials who have been selected (in particular order):
Cameron Voss
Nick Bradshaw
Duncan Ryhorchuk
Neil Missling
Darren Glur
Eric Arndt
Neil Missling
Glendon Seal
Brendan Cohen
Tim Ferrel
Mike Diebold
Clayton Smith
Joe Millette
Jake Brenk
Ryan Szymanski
Kevin Cassidy
Joe Oberg

Want to Lose Fat and Build Muscle?

Ultimate Officials is running a "Biggest Loser" competition.  Right now there are 9 guys who are pushing themselves to be in top performance shape for the upcoming 2011-12 Season.  And right now someone has the chance to not only shred some fat, build some muscle, BUT ALSO EARN $180 or MORE!


J.B. Olson is one test away from his Certified Personal Trainer's certificate.  See the following video:

email for more info:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2011 Zebra Open Was a Huge Success!

On Friday August 19th, 42 golfers, many hole sponsors and other hockey referees who donated raised money for a great cause: Fighting Cancer.

MONEY RAISED: $2440.00

WHO: People willing to give back.
(Winning Team at 15 Under Par: Brian Thul, Tom Sterns, Jeff Beckers, Zach Nelson)

WHAT: A charity fundraiser and golf event.

WHEN: August 19th, 2011

WHERE: Shakopee, MN

WHY: Because the hockey community cares.