Wednesday, October 20, 2010

33 Miners are Rescued - Who's in Your Foxhole?

33 miners.  69 days.  One thought = survival.

In case you've been stuck under a rock, been on vacation in the Northwoods elk hunting with absolutely no TV, no newspapers, or internet, there was an uplifting story of 33 Chilean miners trapped and 33 miners rescued, after 69 days stuck in a mine (you don't need to know every detail about this story, I certainly don't -- all you need to know that there were 33 guys...69 days...and one collective mind-set.)

Scene from the rescue.

This story does remind me of the movie, "Alive (youtube trailer)".  45 rugby players from Uruguay flew over the Andes mountains to Chile, crashed in the mountains, and 16 of them survived after 72 days.  So...they are stuck on a mountain, no sight of rescue, no food, and faced (forced) with the idea of eating the dead to survive.

You ever watch that movie?

I first saw "Alive" in 1993, and I was completely floored.  I also remember reading the book version in circa 1995 ( I actually read all 416 pages, cover to cover, in 3 days!  I liked it that much).  Whether it be the book or the movie about the "Miracle in the Andes," or today's Chilean "miracle" story, I just know this:

(especially Nando Parrado, Ethan Hawke's character, I read that book, too = Miracle in the Andes)

It's tough to be tough nowadays.  Why?  Because you've got so many goddam softies out there to persuade you not to be tough:

-- everyone wants a "hand out" these days (Big business, Big Banks, Big Auto manufacturers)

-- everyone keeps telling me it's the 'entitlement society' that's graduating from our schools

-- we tend to live in a sports society were everybody wants a friggin' trophy just for playing

-- And, most embarassingly to me, there's a lot of hockey referees with their hands out, showing up to get paid for doing little (some of them should wear a ski mask...they're robbing the place), and wanting more.  These are the guys we have to deal with...these are the guys that members of UO have to deal with.  It's tough staying above the fray.

A ref at your local hockey rink? Maybe.
Well, I want to celebrate the hockey ref who's friggin' tough, and since it's October, we'll continue with our "no fear" mantra:

"How did I do ,, simple I did everything I said I was going to do , there where times that I missed but I tried to make it up as best as I could. After the 3rd week of the program I felt it was time to step it up so I introduced P90X into the mix and never looked back. I am about to finish my first round in a couple of weights and I feel Great I love what I have accomplished in a short period of time. I look forward to continued results over the next round that I do. I notice my conditioning has paid off where as officiating numerous games I would be winded , now bring it on , I feel great and look for more."
Domenic Zecca

"I have gotten a few questions/compliments about how skinny I look lately. I think a lot of it had to do with the nutrition part. I was in the group of guys that really had no idea was would be a good diet and what/when should I be eating.  The nutritional instruction provided in the swat team manuel and blogs/e-mails was really helpful for me.  I have changed a lot of what/when I eat.  That I think is a lot more than a 12 week contest for me."
Darren Glur
"I still would like to continue with your Mental Toughness camp, they area great reading and I really do relate to a lot of things you've said.The group is really great to me, I feel real inclusive.  I never felt like that with any other groups outside UO."
Josh Huston

These refs have all "dug into their foxholes", turned a blind eye and a deaf ear (no pun intended) to all the naysayers, ignored the 'good ol' boy network', and have chosen to do all the little things...100% of the time...when no one's  watching...for fear that I someone will either (a) pass them by, or (b) put a boot up their ass, or (c) lump them in with all the other lazy ass refs, doing little to collect a lot. 

My job in UO is to put a boot up a guy's ass, if needed.  Actually, truth be known, that those who belong to UO Referee Programs, they've put their butt on the line and decided to hold their peers accountable.  They know, "you're only as good as your last shift".  The UO machine runs itself in terms of high expectations and accountability...I just keep the wheels greased.

So, after all this talk about Chilean miners, Uruguayan's surviving plane crashes, and tough-ass refs working harder than the 'good ol' boy network', the question remains:


Who would you choose to be stuck with in a mine for 69 days, if faced with the choice?

Who would you want to be stranded in the Andes mountains with after a plane crash?

Who do you want pushing, motivating, and leading your hockey referee development?


In no uncertain terms, we want you in our 'UO fox hole'* if (and only if):

a. You're wanting to be the BEST.  Second best won't do.  We cater to those who are ass-kickers, because there's no way in heck we want anybody with a timid nature with us in a plane crash in the Andes, unless, of course, you'd end up dead and we'd eat you to survive (just kidding!  I know...that was in bad taste...oops!  Did it again!).

b. You want a group to push you to lose some goddam weight (I think that's straight enough talk for what we offer: a program for you to LOSE SOME GODDAM WEIGHT!).

c. You're sick and tired of the 'good ol' boy' network. 
(OK, I'm not holding back here - my goal is to create some serious carnage with the "fat cats" and we will eat the dead!)

d. You believe in a cause/crusade - see how UO Fights Cancer & the Special Offer Month after Month.  Although you do need to hurry!  This offer ends on October 31st (we ain't got no 69 days to play this one out).

e. ALL OF THE ABOVE - If you're all in, I will be all in to help you reach all your goals and dreams - that's a guarantee [see guarantee here].

Having no fear, being iron-willed and tougher than nails as a referee will not only help you out in just might help if you're stuck in a mine or crash land on a mountain.  You click on the button below, get rid of your fears, and let's do it!

* Our "fox hole" is our UO MDM program - we offer FREE** videos, online training, weekly hockey and referee lessons, and a FREE copy of the SWAT Team Training Manual, the only referee-specific training online or anywhere. 

** You're probably ondering why I'm literally giving you a FREE $79 Membership and Materials.  It's because I've personally discovered what quality mentoring and advice is like, and I've also personally encountered numerous hockey refs who got little or none.  I know that there is 'insider information' out there and I have made it my lifetime mission to share these secrets with as many hockey refs as I can through my work with Ultimate Officials.

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