Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Perspective, Perseverance, and Performance

June 2007 I got the call from my physician...you've got cancer.  What?!?  The same thing my Mom died from almost 3 years prior?  What?!?  I am too young.  Oh shit...
Join UO for the Fight - Be a Member to Donate to Hockey Fights Cancer
        -----> go to www.uospecialoffer.com to Join the Fight <-----


So, even though it's not quite as severe or quite as dramatic as Lance Armstrong (nor quite so drama filled, either).  There are some of the same emotions (youtube clip here).

For me, since 2007, I have had some complications that show up from time to time (stuff like infections, low white blood cells counts, etc.).  This past summer was a bit more of the same, meaning it was more...kind of scary more.  But, this ain't gonna be no sob story (my wife hates it when I talk like a hick :), and I am going to wear my heart on my sleeve.   This is going to be about the 3 P's mentioned in the title.
This Guy Wears His Emotions on His Sleeve

- It's time to get busy, folks.  Don't put anymore stuff off for tomorrow, like, "Oh, I will get in shape when I have the time." Ain't gonna be no time.  The time is now.  We are all dying, meaning we are all getting old and time is passing us up.

Quick perspective question: "When you are done with your life, what will you regret more?  Chances you took or the chances you didn't take?"

In my officiating career, I have had few regrets.  I chose my path to get to where I wanted to get, worked my tail off, and I have been blessed to do some pretty big games.

However, now I am going to combine two things I will fight for -

(1) The development of the hockey referee.  GOAL: To get 100 hockey refs to join our subscription list (which starts at $0.99 a month for two months, and then converts to $10 a month thereafter).

(2) The fight against cancer.  GOAL: Donate 10% of all UO proceeds to Hockey Fights Cancer.

There will be NO regrets in my hockey life from this day forward.   None.

PERSEVERANCE - One of the first steps in obtaining any kind of success in life is to have a burning desire.  You need to have dogged determination, put on the blinders, and just 'go for it'.

I see a lot of hockey refs doing this day in and day out.  They get in their car, they drive obscene distances, they make sacrifices at home with family and with their jobs, and they show up at the rink at all hours of the day to work the greatest game in the world - ice hockey.

Joining Ultimate Officials will give you the opportunity to collaborate on a monthly basis with many other like-minded hockey refs.  These are the guys who want to "BE THE BEST".  They are hockey refs from the 'grassroots' levels all the way up to the pro levels.  To get an idea why a ref would join UO, read their words, not mine: Why You Should Join UO

My perseverance is to push for more members, more development, so more refs get Bigger and Better games.  The beauty is that more donations will be made through my Zebra Foundation (started in 2007) and more money to "Hockey Fights Cancer".

PERFORMANCE - Do you have super-charged self motivation?  Or does your motivation waver from time to time, based upon your (a) mood, (b) schedule, (c) health, or (d) all of the above?

Do you think that you'd be MORE MOTIVATED to train, exercise, workout, get stronger, lose weight, cut fat if you belonged to a group?  I know you would.  Let's talk about "Social Aptitude":

"I don't care how much of an introvert or a loner you may be, or think you are, you can't reach high level success on your own.  You need to surround yourself with others who share your goals and commitment to them.  And the more spectacular your goals are, themore you need this support.  By definition, winners are people who pursue goals that most other people would consider to be impossible.  Recently a friend of mine joined a powerlifting club, where he quickly noticed that he was by far the weakes person in the gym, despite being fairly strong by any other standard.  Within a month my friend had added more than 100 pounds to his lifetime best squat! How? Well, he learned some technical pointers for sure, and he trained very hard, but essentially, he got stronger by osmosis.  In other words, just being in the presence of a lot of guys who were far stronger than he was, just out of pure intimidation and (probably) embarassment, he got a lot stronger very, very fast.

Whether it's a matter of finding a good training partner or joining a coaching group (i.e. Ultimate Officials), find people who share your goals and commitment.  This can be one of the most result-producing decisions you ever make."
Charles Haley, Muscle Media
Wow.  In a couple or paragraphs, Haley explains exactly what Ultimate Officials does to improve your officiating.  Guaranteed.

You've Got Three Choices Right Now:

1.  Join Ultimate Officials and Start Getting Better as a Ref 
 (or you may even be 'entertained' by our newsletters)
---------> go to www.uospecialoffer.com <------------

2.  Decide, "I don't want to join, but I'll donate Right Now"
(click that button right below)

3. Do nothing. 
(ouch -- if that's your choice...I will just have to follow up with you - see 'perseverance')

Join UO for the Fight - Be a Member to Donate to Hockey Fights Cancer

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