Saturday, October 16, 2010

ATTENTION: UO is very Brett Favre-like

 If Brett Favre can show his "member", so can we...that could be scary.  Read on...

Good ol' Brett Favre - future Hall of Fame QB, Wrangler jeans guy, incessant waffling decision-maker, sexter...
Don't be so melodramatic, Brett

The guys is now (in)famous for (allegedly) showing his junk to a former NY Jets employee (what a dope he is).  Is that why he like the song, "Pants on the Ground" so much???

Well, UO shows our "members" too!

The only difference is that we're not afraid to do it.  In fact, we're blatant about it now -- pictures, videso, letters in the mail, email -- we're baring it all!  For a price (does that make it a 'peep show' if you have to pay to observe?), a portion of which goes to Hockey Fights Cancer, and you get Bigger and Better games:

"I just want to say thanks again for what you're doing for me and the others with UO.  I know I'm much further along as an official after joining UO for a year than the 6 years on my own beforehand.  Also, it's great that you're using this as a benefit for Hockey Fights Cancer."

Aaron Barlow, W. St. Paul, MN

I realize that Halloween is coming up, and it can be a spooky  time (Cameron Voss, one UO member, just called 244 PIM's in one game!), and there could be some common fears among hockey refs.  The fear of being caught in public with your pants on the ground psychologically for a ref is akin to blowing a call.  What I mean by that is something like blowin a call where a plyer breaks his neck (see info here).  That's what happened  to me.  Go click on that link to see why/how I lost may balls.

No More Losing My Balls
Scary?  Not.

I have no fear in trying to sell you this membership.  None whatsoever, because I believe in the effect for you and the goodness in what UO does.  If there's one thing I do like about Favre it's that he shows no fear on the football field (ever seen the guy play with no chin strap?).  Refereeing with a "No Fear" mentality is part of the package (pun intended) offered from UO.  It's all about channeling your nervousness and anxiety to perform at a higher level.

You know that broken neck incident?  That could've screwed me for the rest of my life.  Instead, I've used it to take my game to a whole new level.  

So...get over your fear of commitment (ain't no wishy-washy elite level refs out there).

Join our unit...

This ain't no junk...

Our membership is swelling...

Don't be a little weeney...

Don't shrink away!

** Those who join UO at our low $0.99 price (way cheaper than paying off a mistress or, heaven forbid, some divorce attorney ant settlement - you better get ready, Brett), and do so by Oct. 31, will get a FREE bag tag.

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