Friday, January 30, 2009

ALERT!!! Danger!!! You May Be in the 95%

When I was coming up through the "ranks" as an official, there was a group of us officials who really pushed each other. We brought out the best in each other. We were discovering so innocently (sometimes not-so-innocently) and sweetly the secret of officiating:

Being a hockey official is at the same time the greatest group for camaraderie and competition. You work in an environment where (almost) everyone cheers for you, pushes you up, and also wants your job!

That meant competition. We competed in many miles you could drive to work a game, the number of games, the quality of games, the number of playoff games, the assignment for the finals or the championship game...even who could race the fastest to the net when the whistle blew. Heck, when I was younger and cockier, any time a linesman would cover for me while I was reffing a 1-2 game, I tried to beat him to the net!! And I did a few times! There was NO WAY anybody was going to show me up.

Loved it...loved the competition.

That's how you get in the 5% club -- The top 5% of your field.

Here's what I sadly see when I am at the arena most nights...

Referee "A" is coasting around, taking 30 seconds on every line change, just sauntering up the ice after an icing.

Referee "B" is reluctant to get in around the net (that's what it looks like when I watch him), is sloppy with his signals, and does just enough to get by.

I hate the "just get by" crowd. I don't want to hang around them too long, because they might be contagious.

Here's how it goes:

  • nearly 100% say they want to get better
  • only 50% will do something if it involves work, the other 50% want it for free and handed to them on a silver platter
  • only half of the 50% who do something, will do something truly extraordinary (so we are in the top 25th percentile now
  • only 5% will always do what is necessary, have the intestinal fortitude, and the "stones" to make themselves truly exceptional
Those who sit by and wait, ponder, "chew things over," or use excuses like lack of time, are those who are NOT in the 5% club. True champions take action, do it now, don't wait for someone to do it for them, and step up to the plate.

I am looking for someone to take action. I have a few spots left for those who want some really intense personal training. These people will get:

** Physical Training, on and off the ice, which will grow your stamina, strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, speed, balance, agility, accuracy, and flexibility.

** Personal Assessment Profile -- Individualized training to help identify mental roadblocks and remove them permanently, so you can perform like a true champion.

** Communication Skill Training - Learn how to use the correct words, communication styles, and how to diffuse situations as if you are a 15 year official, who has had the experience of working 5 years of minor pro hockey and refereed a world championship in front of 19,000 screaming fans!

Please reply if interested. Only few spots remaining. I am opening this up to all officials.


JB Olson

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