Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Throw Out a Coach Weekend

Must be getting to that time of the year...maybe everyone is dealing with the cold in different ways. I know of two VERY demonstrative situations where coaches were thrown out of a game this past weekend:

Here's one of them

Makes me think about the very first time I threw a coach out of a game. It was in a Bantam A game (actually the championship game of an invitational tournament in East Grand Forks). That was a game where I had to break up my first fight (the game was a 2-man game), albeit it was gloves punching helmets, etc. I also threw out the Thunder Bay coach later in the game for repeatedly screaming at my partner. The other thing I remember from that game is that the East Grand Forks team had 3 future Division I players on that team.

Another funny memory I have is when I threw a coach out of a game that was a Junior Gold game, played at Breck Ice Arena. The Anoka team was EXTREMELY chippy and the coach was out of control. At the end of the game when I was checking the score sheet to make sure everything was alright, the scorekeeper started giving me the business. I had to deal with him, too! He looked like this guy ---->toothless trailer trash

The funniest part of the trailer trash story was that this guy was telling me how to ref. I actually had a brief moment of anger and told him that he could watch me ref the upcoming weekend on Fox Sports (I usually don't like dropping my resume, but I had enough of Otis the Town Drunk).
My partner then said the only Fox show he'd be on is "Cops".

Do you have any funny stories about coach behavior?

1 comment:

Kevin Cassidy said...

I have a few good stories from this year....

The other day I was reffing a rough game between the Sauk Rapids Storm and Pine City. I think that by just reading the names of the 2 teams you get the idea of what type of game it was. After calling coincidental penalties for roughing, on a scrum in front of the net the Sauk Rapids coach called me over for a explanation of why I called his guy for a penalty. Knowing that the penalty against the other team was blatent and the one against his team was on the far side of the scrum, blinding the coach from having any type of view of it and putting me in perfect position, I assumed that he was gunna rip my head off. After explaining to him what I saw and that his player threw a punch and that he couldn't see it, his reply was "My #27? Theres no way hes way to big of pussy to do that." This caused the entrie bench to erupt in laughter and it made me laugh as well. It immediatly put me in a good mood for the rest of a tough game.

Another good example of coach behavior that i have from this year would have to be a game that I was working with Micheal Hickert earlier this year. The game was the Championship game at the Willmar High School Holiday tournament. After calling a very obvious trip putting the River Lakes 2 men down the coach came unglued. After going over and having a quick discussion with the coach play continued. Sure enough river lakes got scored on causing the coach to come unglued again. Micheal then called me over so we could talk to the coach. He told me to listen to him and learn from it. He did a very good job of calming the coach down and avoiding a extra penalty going their way. Afterwords he left me with 2 bits of advice. The more angry a coach gets the nicer you need to be until he crosses the line, and the louder a coach talks the softer you need to talk causing the coach to have to stop yelling so he can hear you talk.

Just 2 examples of what I have run into this year