Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Does Data Make a Difference?

There are a few things that keep me awake at nights (in no particular order):

i. Will my daughter ever learn to potty train?
ii. Will she learn to skate before she learns to poop in the toilet?
iii. Will I fulfill my work quota for the week?
iv. What in the hell is my option/consequence if I don't?
v. What's the best way to turn a inexperienced ref into a seasoned vet?

Outside of giving the official 10 more years to officiate, learn new subtleties and tricks, there has been no answer given. Throughout all my years of teaching, training athletes, and even renting to tenants in rental properties, I have learned one fact -- COMMON SENSE IS RELATIVE.

What seems natural to me is only because I have experienced it, been taught it, or even had it smack over my head like a 2X4.

What seems natural to you is based on your own experience.

What seems natural to John Doe is based upon his experience.

None of us have had the same experiences. However, I want to give all the referees I work with my experience. And so do all the other referee instructors out there. That's what education is, isn't it? The transfer of knowledge?

So, I am on a personal quest to gather as much data on refereeing as possible. I need some videos, though. I need to chart movements, work to rest ratios, skating patterns, starts and stops, turns, backwards...I need to chart it all in order to create a program where the up-and-coming official can receive experience like it has been bottle up and poured out when you need it.

Do you have a video tape, DVD that I can watch, critique, chart, and then return? If so, please contact me:


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