Monday, November 30, 2009

Am I Going to Miss the 'Stache?

Probably not...although I am a man who believes in supporting causes [see video below] that support battling cancer, I am not so sure about the whole Movember thing (maybe I'll do it next year just to irritate my wife...hehehe):

* Owen Nolan = rad (I don't use that saying very much or lightly) moustache
* Mikko Koivu = looks like a Finn with a 'stache
* James Sheppard = looks like 1980
* Clutterbuck = best 'stache award

Stay tuned for the 2010 Zebra Open:

1 comment:

slicknb said...

Maybe next year. Mine is pretty thin though!

Can't wait until 2010 Zebra Open. Great event and a great time.